Academics » Graduation Requirements

Graduation Requirements

MC Core Course Experience

At Mt. Carmel High School, we strive for all our students to maximize their choices upon graduation. To accomplish this goal, we expect all students to enroll in the MCHS Core Course Experience which includes:
A-G courses + 1 Career Technical Ed Course + 1 AP course

Electives The required classes count for 150 of the 230 credits required for graduation. Anything that is not used to meet one of the above requirements is considered "elective." 85 credits will be electives.  Any A-F courses taken beyond the minimum required count toward "G" electives.
School Service Courses (Office Assistant, Academic Tutor) No student may take more than one school service course per trimester. A maximum of ten (10) credits of school service may be applied toward graduation requirements, and a maximum of forty (40) credits of school service and Work Experience may be applied toward graduation requirements.
P.E. No more than 40 credits of P.E. can count toward graduation.