Athletics » Athletic Clearance

Athletic Clearance


Please read this entire page to learn the requirements for sports participation at Mt. Carmel.  
In order to participate in sports at Mt. Carmel, each athlete must complete the following process each year:
  • Print the Health History form and Physical form
  • Take the completed Health History form and blank Physical form to a California Licensed Health Care Provider. The provider must complete, sign, date and stamp the physical form. Physicals are valid for 12 months from the date of physical exam (not date signed by physician) and cannot expire during the selected sports season. For a list of local doctors offering sports physicals, click below.
  • Create an account on Choose California. Use this instruction sheet to navigate the process. Follow the step-by-step instructions.
  • Print and sign (both student and parent/guardian) the confirmation page from
  • If your student-athlete has an allergy or a medical condition that requires them to carry a medication during school hours (including inhalers and over-the-counter medication), they must complete and return the following forms: Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan and  Authorization to Carry Medication While at School. These forms ONLY need to be turned in if your student-athlete has an allergy or carries medications at school. 
Bring the following three items to the Athletics office (originals only - emails and copies not accepted):
  1. Completed Health History Form
  2. Physical form that is completed, signed, dated and stamped by a California Licensed Health Care Provider.
  3. Signed Home Campus confirmation page.
You will receive notification from Home Campus once your athlete has been cleared to tryout/participate in their season of sport. If you would like to check their athletic clearance status, log into your Home Campus account. Cleared status means your athlete may attend tryouts. Uncleared status indicates the account is pending review. If the account indicates a Denied status, please check the email associated with your Home Campus account for action items. The email subject will be titled 'Student Clearance' and the email message will be from Home Campus.
Athletic Clearances must be renewed each school year.
If the above steps are not completed - No tryouts. No exceptions!


  • June 12th for Fall Season Sports 
    • Cross Country, Field Hockey, Football, Girls Flag Football, Girls Golf, Girls Tennis, Girls Volleyball, Boys Water Polo, Sideline Cheer
  • October 29th for Winter Season Sports
    • Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Competition Cheer, Boys Soccer, Girls Soccer, Girls Water Polo, Wrestling
  • January 28th for Spring Season Sports
    • Baseball, Girls Beach Volleyball, Boys Golf, Gymnastics, Boys Lacrosse, Girls Lacrosse, Softball, Swim & Dive, Boys Tennis, Track & Field, Boys Volleyball
Failure to submit Athletic Clearance paperwork by the due date may delay and/or prohibit the athlete from trying out.