Contacts » Attendance


Attendance Information

24-Hour Attendance Hotline:  (858) 484-8512

Press 1 for Early Release (Off-Campus Pass) 
Press 2 for all other Attendance needs (Absence or Tardy)

When requesting an early release or reporting an absence, please call the Attendance Hotline.  Parents/Guardians need to give at least a 3 hour notice for all early releases.  Students will pick up their pass in-between classes.  Messages are checked continuously and requests are processed as soon as the Attendance Office receives the message.  Please DO NOT call the school's main number for attendance related requests as this will delay the process.  If a 3 hour prior notice is not possible, parent/guardian will need to go to the Attendance Office and show ID to check the student out.

Attendance Office Hours:   
During the regular school year:   Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm
Summer:    Monday - Friday 8:00am - 12:00pm
Mayra Lizarraga Carolyn Lyons
Attendance Acct. Assist. III Attendance Acct. Assist. I
x3114 x3113
 [email protected] [email protected]


  • You may access the Attendance Office during student break, lunch and after school.
  • There is direct access into the Attendance office through the door labeled Attendance, on the outside of the Admin building. You do not need to go through the Front office to get to the Attendance office.
  • Attendance is essential to your success, and good attendance helps you to perform well in school and is important for your future.  Attendance counts, all day, every day.  It's The Sundevil Way!  You are missed when you are not at school.

Report a student absence

  • Reporting all day absences:
        It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to report their student’s absence. To report an absence, call the attendance office hotline EACH DAY that the student is absent. All absences must be cleared within 48 hours or they will be considered as TRUANT.


Students arriving late must go directly to the Attendance office.  All notes to clear tardies are to given to the Attendance office before proceeding to class.  This includes students arriving between classes, during break and at lunch.  Late arrivals must be excused by a parent/guardian or they will be coded as class cuts.   


  • Medical Excuses
        Excused absences/tardies with a medical or dental note will not affect student’s attendance record.  The State of California requires verification in writing, on official letterhead, showing student’s name and date of appointment.    


In order to ensure the best educational experience, attendance to class should be a priority.  If a student has twelve absences (excused or unexcused) will be considered excessive and a SARB letter will be sent to the district office, unless a medical note is provided.


Off-Campus passes (for early dismissal)

Students are responsible for picking up their pass from the attendance office before school, during break or at lunch. We do not interrupt class to deliver passes.


Parents or legal guardians - please leave the following information to request an off-campus pass at (858) 484-8512; press option 2 for early release.  Only parents or legal guardians, or students 18 years old, can request off-campus passes.


  • Name of student (please spell last name)
  • Grade level of student
  • Date and time the student needs to leave school
  • Reason student is leaving early
  • Are they returning? Please leave approximate time of return
  • Name of person calling and relationship
  • Contact number should we have questions


If the student is In School Learning we ask that you call the day before to request the pass, so that we can prepare the pass and have it ready for your student the next day.  However, should you discover your student needs to leave the same day, please request the pass at least three (3) hours before the student needs to leave campus.  If three hour notice is not possible, the parent/guardian will need to come to the Attendance Office and show ID to check out the student.


Illness During School

Students who are feeling ill must report to the Health Office and may obtain their off campus pass after staff has spoken to the parents/guardians. THE ATTENDANCE OFFICE WILL NOT CHECK OUT STUDENTS WHO ARE ILL.
It is important that your student attends every assigned period every school day. Sporadic attendance impacts the academic achievement of your student. We have initiated a comprehensive attendance monitoring program at Mt. Carmel to curtail chronic absences and to keep you informed of your student's presence in classes. Attendance is taken in each period.