Students » SENIOR Class Information

SENIOR Class Information



Senior Class Sign


Reference this page often throughout the year for information regarding Senior activities and events
*Senior Portraits *Senior Faire *Cap & Gown *Yearbook *College Visits & Events
*    *    *   *   *
document for details, dates, and times for Senior activities 
(graduation performance auditions, cap & gown, yearbooks, graduation, and more!)

Senior Important Dates:

October 31, 2024 - Deadline to submit Senior Baby Photo.  See Yearbook on the MCHS website.
November 8, 2024 - Did you submit a baby photo by October 31, 2024?  If so, please confirm receipt of submitted baby photo with Mrs. Falcone's in her classroom by Nov. 8, 2024.
November 12, 2024 - LAST day to take your Senior Portrait with Keane Studios for the Yearbook .  Note - Only pictures taken by Keane Studios will be in the yearbook (during the 10/30/24 Free on-campus photo day or if you scheduled a session at Keane Studios).  Aug. Registration photo was only for ID card.
January 1, 2025 - Yearbook prices increase to $80.
February 1, 2025 - Winter Formal Dance
February 14, 2025 - Seniors - confirm yearbook picture and spelling of name with Ms. Falcone by Friday, February 14, 2025.
April 2025 - Last chance to order cap & gown.
April 30, 2025 - Last chance to purchase a yearbook.  After April 30, 2025, yearbooks will be on sale during distribution in June while supplies last.  
May 3, 2025 - Prom  (more details coming soon)
May 5-9 and May 12-16 - AP Testing
June 4-6, 2025 - Senior Finals
June 9, 2025 - Senior Checkout - Required senior event
June 10, 2025 - Senior Breakfast (and cap & gown distribution) - Required senior event
June 11, 2025 - Senior Picnic (graduation ticket distribution) - Required senior event
June 12, 2025 - Graduation Practice at 8:30am - Required senior event
June 12, 2025 - Graduation at 6pm (processional begins at 5:45pm)
June 12, 2025 - Grad Night

Current Senior Events/Activities...

2024-2025 MCHS Yearbook

View the MCHS Yearbook website page for details, pricing, and yearbook deadlines.  Seniors, there are specific deadlines throughout the year for special yearbook senior pages...senior portraits, baby photos, and senior ads.  Be sure to view the MCHS Yearbook webpage throughout the year.
Mt. Carmel Graduation Gear by Jostens via Milestone Grad Website



Cap & Gown packages
There are several Cap & Gown packages to choose from through Jostens. The basic Cap & Gown package includes a standard tassel, medallion, and diploma cover. Senior graduation Cap & Gown can be purchased online at - via the Milestone Grad website, or contact the Jostens Service Center at 858-486-2020 to order over the phone. Questions, call Jostens at 858-486-2020 or email our Jostens rep directly at [email protected]. Jostens online ordering ends in mid-April 2025, but MCHS recommends ordering early as their prices increase throughout the year.


Families can arrange to borrow caps & gowns, through Jostens, at no cost, or use a cap and gown from previous Mt. Carmel graduates or from an older sibling or friend. Please note that borrowed cap & gown from Jostens does NOT include the tassel or diploma cover. You may purchase a tassel and diploma cover separately through Jostens.  


Borrowing a Cap & Gown from Jostens (FREE)

If you need to borrow a cap & gown from Jostens for the MCHS commencement ceremony, email the MCHS Jostens Representative Mark Boyer at [email protected]. Please include your full name, school, height, weight and gender so that the gown fits well. Contact Jostens for the deadline to submit a borrow request.


Purchasing a Cap & Gown items online
Use the link HERE to purchase Jostens Cap & Gown items online.  Jostens offers a variety of graduation items, including the tassel in school colors with the graduation year, a school medallion that grads can turn into a keychain afterwards, class rings, and graduation clothing and accessories.


How does my student receive the cap & gown set?
All cap & gown packages from Jostens are delivered to MCHS in May by the local Jostens reps, and the school staff distributes them to students as part of Senior Activities Week happening during the school day in June.  The cap & gown packages comes as a set with all five items, including the mortar board cap, the gown, tassel, school medallion, and diploma cover. Each graduate's name will be on the package since the gowns are customized match student height and weight needs.

Jostens Official MCHS Graduation Announcements, Jewelry, and Apparel

Jostens also offers a variety of items to commemorate the Senior year, and inform friends and family of your graduation date and time.  Please order your announcements by December 31, 2024, to ensure a timely delivery.


Need Help?

The Jostens showroom is located near MCHS and they have regular business hours if you would like to see their products in person and speak to Mark or his employees in person. Contact Jennifer Adelman at MCHS if you need assistance with ordering or borrowing a cap & gown set. Email [email protected] or call 858-484-1180 x3123.

Jostens Poway Showroom
12455 Poway Rd., Suite E
Poway, CA 92064

Open T-W-Th 3-6pm

Make an appointment for varsity jacket fitting session

[email protected]

Senior Yearbook Portraits 2024-2025

Seniors - Confirm your senior yearbook picture and spelling of name with Ms. Falcone by Friday, February 14, 2025.
The official senior Portrait photography studio for the MCHS yearbook is Keane Studios Photography.  PUSD is under contract with Keane for all of the high school Senior portraits at all high schools. Please schedule your Senior yearbook portrait session beginning June 1, 2024. Seniors must have portraits taken by November 12, 2024, to be included in the 2024-2025 MC Horizon yearbook. 
Session costs range depending on the number of pose options chosen.  After your photo session, you will review the pictures and then let Keane know your picture choice for the yearbook.  Keane will send the MCHS Yearbook staff the chosen pose to put in the yearbook.  Purchasing a picture package is another cost after the session fee. See the Keane website for Senior Portrait picture package price ranges.
Free Sitting
Seniors had a chance to get their senior picture taken free of charge for the yearbook during the Keane Studio on-campus session on Wednesday, October 30, 2024. This one-time, no-cost, on-campus session is during the school day for any Senior who does not want to do a Keane Studios in-studio session or purchase photo packages. There is no other free sitting option before the December yearbook photo deadline. Yearbook staff sends notices and passes to Seniors who have not yet completed their portraits through Keane Studios.  The free session last approximately 2 minutes and students return to class. The free session is a traditional headshot shoulders up with no choice of pose like the examples on this page, and pictures are not available for purchase from the free session. 
Contact Yearbook Advisor Robin Falcone [email protected] if you have questions.
How to Make an Appointment - In Studio Session
For more information, a full price guide, clothing suggestions, or to book your session, 
contact Keane Studios directly at (858)259-1900 or visit If you elected to receive direct communication from MCHS vendors, you will receive information directly from Keane Studios in May 2025.

Keane Studios
Rancho Bernardo Courtyard
16935 W. Bernardo Drive, Suite 150
San Diego, CA 92127 

MCHS PTSA Hosted Grad Night

For Grad Night information, please click HERE.

Mt. Carmel Counseling Office Resources for Seniors

The MCHS Academic and Counseling website pages provide important information regarding academic planning, course requests, college and career planning, and all counseling needs.  Please visit the Academic tab on the MCHS website and the Counseling Home Page for information and resources.
Mt. Carmel Counselors have developed a College Search resource page that has tips and resources for how to make a plan for education after high school. This tool is specifically for Juniors to do the research and planning to assist with big decisions that start in September of the Senior year.
Examples of questions this page will help students answer:
1) How do I decide which post-high school education is best for me?
2) What is important to me in a college/university/vocational school/community college experience?
3) How do I choose a major/career area? How do I start my college/school research? 

2024-2025 College Visits 

College Visits:  On-campus college visits are offered during the fall months through our Counseling department.  This is a great way to speak with admission staff or college staff and ask any questions you might have, and to discover more about a specific college.  Be sure to review the list of colleges visiting and sign-up for specific visits.  A list of colleges visiting can be found on the MCHS website or use this link College Visits.  For additional college and career information, visit the College and Career Resource page under the Counseling tab.  Be sure to check the often for a current list of events, and colleges visiting and to sign-up to attend specific dates.

Information for Parents of Seniors who are turning 18 before June 6, 2025

When your student attains adult status at the age of 18 on his/her birthday, he/she is granted by law the right to sign all legal documents related to his/her education and to represent himself/herself in all educational matters. This includes school disciplinary matters, and participating in any serious legal processes such as IEPs or expulsions from school and excusing the student’s absences from school for the five allowable reasons to miss.
This also means that your student will be the sole person in your household receiving phone and email information from the school and school district as the adult contact. Important informational school communications will no longer go directly to parents/guardians.  If you and your 18-year-old would like to waive the 18 year-old rights and assign the parent/guardian decision-making authority, the waiver for doing so is listed on our 18-year-old rights page for printing and signature. Please read more detailed information about 18-year-old rights, rules and procedures and the waiver on our webpage: 18 Year-Old Rights
This signed waiver form should be turned in to the MCHS Administration building to Mayra Lizarraga, in the Attendance Office. 
Administration Building Office Hours
(when school is in session)

2023-2024 MCHS Graduates

Cap & Gown Return - Return to the MC Administration office.  
Graduation Ceremony Pictures - Pictures were taken by Brett Alan Photography.  If you are interested in purchasing pictures from the 2023-2024 Graduation Ceremony, please use this LINK.  Pictures should be available close to the end of June 2024.